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My Carnivorous Plant Journey

When I was 12, I had no interest in plants at all. But one day, my nan gave me a snippet from an old plant magazine that she had describing two carnivorous plants, a Venus flytrap and a tropical pitcher plant and what they can do. I was so interested; it was crazy. There were plants that ate bugs!

I decided to do some more research into these plants and sure enough, I wanted to get one of my own. Using my pocket money, I got a typical Venus flytrap from a hardware store, which I named 'Venie'.

I placed it in a tray of rainwater on a sunny windowsill as advised by the internet, and it grew. Not amazingly, I realized quickly, but it grew. Winter soon came around, and my fears over dormancy came around. I was so worried about killing it that... well, I killed it. I fussed over it so much, trying the fridge method, putting it in and then taking it out, and then placing it outside during a frost because I didn't think it was going to go dormant enough, so I made it permanently dormant.

'Dewdrop' my Drosera capensis
Surprisingly, this didn't put me off. I realised my mistake and decided to try again, but this time with a genus that didn't require dormancy as a better starting point. So for my 14th birthday, I bought myself a Drosera capensis and I called it 'Dewdrop'. Like the flytrap, I placed it in a tray of water and on a sunny windowsill, and this one grew so well that I was constantly mesmerized by how its leaves sparkled in the sun!

I soon realised the capensis' ability to propagate from seed and soon had a whole plant stand of Drosera capensis and some Drosera aliciae, which came as hitchhikers with my capensis. This is where I found my love of propagation. It was so cool to get so many plants from just one tiny thing. I was so hooked that I even got myself another flytrap and soon my first Sarracenia.

My plant stand with my original collection
That is where it took off. I soon had too many plants to fit on my small plant stand, and after years of saving up, I bought myself my first greenhouse, which I decided was the best for all of my plants. It was the best decision I ever made, and that is where my journey started!

My original collection looked tiny in this massive greenhouse but I quickly started to fill it up after realising how addictive this hobby was. I began branching out into the uncommon and more difficult genus and species, determined to grow as many carnivorous plants as I can fit in the greenhouse.

As my collection took off this is where I started my Youtube and Instagram accounts under the handle name @carnivorous_plant_girl I wanted to spread the joy and care of these plants with others whilst also showing my journey as my collection progressed.

How my collection progressed over the years, in order 2019, 2021 and 2023


This photo was taken this summer (2024) and shows just how much my collection has grown over just a few short years since getting my greenhouse. Alongside this I also have several trays outside which I dedicate to spare or hardier plants for the bog barrels. I continue to collect, grow, research, propagate, promote and spread awareness of these plants in my spare time in hope to show people how brilliant these plant are!

This Autumn (2024), I have just purchased a new larger greenhouse in order to hold my entire collection whilst allowing me to continue what I love the most.


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